
Cloé Jewelry & Art, which was founded in 2015, is an original and independent jewelry design workshop in Macau. We serve our goal as providing our customers the exquisite craftsmanship and the unique vintage style of our products.  Customers can also design on their own by taking our Custom Design services. Besides, jewelry repair & maintenance services is available in our shop. For any further enquiries, please contact us for more details.


Our services:

       1.High jewelry customized;

       2.Engagement and marriage ring design;

       3.Fine jewelry design;

       4.Antique jewelry redesign; 


More about us:

The metal we used in our jewelry is mostly18k gold for its suitable hardness and plasticity are the best choice in jewelry making. There is no exactly the same nature gemstones exist in the world just like human beings. Therefore, our every products is one and only as every gemstone is unique and special with its color and clarity. With customers’ own ideas, the design of the products become much more precious and meaningful. Welcome to our jewelry workshop with your own story.


Cloé Jewelry & Art「 CLOÉ珠寶設計工作室 」於2015年成立,是澳門原創的獨立珠寶設計品牌。設有 "量身訂製" (Custom Design) 的個人化高端珠寶設計及珠寶維修服務。

『世上沒有兩顆完全相同的天然寶石   就如每個人都是獨立的個體 』

在我們眼中每一顆天然寶石,每一個設計都該是獨一無二的,如同每個人有著不同的故事。在設計理念上我們強調獨特性,運用不同種類的天然寶石材料,復古簡約的設計創造出與別不同的珠寶首飾。為了達到理想的耐用性,所有 Fine Jewelry 系列均採18K(AU 750)實心黃金,配搭天然的寶石,任憑時間流逝,其價值依然存在。

 Cloé Jewelry & Art 主要提供以下服務

      1. 高 級 珠 寶 訂 製

      2.結 婚 對 戒 設 計

      3.輕 奢 珠 寶 設 計

      4.古 董 珠 寶 改 造